Archive for the Work-Life Balance Category

Work-Life Balance

Posted in Analysis, Bangalore, DNA Newspaper, News, Work-Life Balance with tags , , , on May 16, 2009 by Poonam Vaidya

This article WAS NOT PUBLISHED. i HOPE IT WILL BE SOMEDAY. You are therefore looking at unpublished news, a sight rarely seen by most.

Poonam Vaidya

The newly emerging   “performance culture”  keeps high expectations of its employees, only to reward them with little or no job security. The infamous effect of recession has hit the work place, with people losing jobs at the drop of a hat. The powerful, competitive environment has been replaced by a fatigued, anxious and demoralized atmosphere at the work place sending alarm bells ringing.

The expression “work-life balance” was first used in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual’s work and personal life. Balancing family, leisure time and career result in high levels of commitment, performance, motivation and flexibility in employees and so that both they and the company benefit in the long term.

Here are a few ways to maintain a healthy balance between work and private life:

Look after yourself: Make sure you follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get at least six to seven hours of sleep.

Make time for your family, friends, partner and self: Make sure you do not miss important events like birthday parties, anniversaries and get-togethers because of work. Remember they are more important than any job and shouldn’t be taken for granted. Spend some time alone away from work, and do what makes you happy.

Managing time at work: Use time effectively and efficiently. Remember to take compulsory breaks, they prevent fatigue and make you more productive. Make a clear distinction between work and non-work aspects, so you can give equal importance to both.

Ask employers for help: Employers can help by endorsing compulsory leave, strict maximum hours and foster an environment that encourages employees not to continue working after hours.

Focus on goals and outcomes: Think about what you want from life. If you’re feeling stressed, say something about it earlier rather than later.  Write down your thoughts and feelings and discuss it with a friend, partner or counsellor, if needed. Measure your performance by what you achieve. Figure out ways to sharpen your skills and improve your potential.

Acknowledge your limitations: Know that it is not possible to do everything. Allow yourself to say ‘no’ to clients, employers and fellow employees, rather than making broken promises. Stop feeling guilty. Nobody is the perfect worker and the perfect partner – we all have to make choices and compromises.

Inicio is an organization based in Ireland with a branch in Bangalore, which helps businesses understand employees and build stress-free work environments in order to improve productivity and performance, increase retention and engagement by controlling bullying and work-life imbalance.

Payal Shah, one of the directors of Inicio, who works extensively with various organisations in Ireland and India, says “one can achieve work-life balance by organizing work and focusing on goal-oriented rather than task-oriented performance. You need support from your institution, family and yourself to achieve work-life balance.” When asked about the current situation, she replied “The situation has changed. People are too afraid to even take maternity or sick leave, as it could put their job on the line. But the situation is improving, and will restore to normalcy in the next three to four months.”